- Taste the finest
- Restaurants and gastronomy
- Traditional cuisine
Traditional cuisine
There's more than just local cuisine in Lyon. You can enjoy delicious French cuisine in many of the city's restaurants.
Restaurants and gastronomy
While the locations and settings vary, you will always find a superb menu of food and (of course!) wine. If you get a craving for flavoursome meats, a cheese fondue or masterfully cooked fish...
...just follow your nose to the right restaurant!
Traditional cuisine
Hôtel**** Restaurant Villa Alexandre
Traditional cuisine
Hôtel**** Restaurant Villa Alexandre
165, Rue Alexandre Poidebard - 69430 Régnié-Durette Read moreOpen
Traditional cuisine
Jardin & Company
Traditional cuisine
Jardin & Company
Allée du Camping International Autoroute A6 - Porte de Lyon - 69570 Dardilly Read moreOpen
Traditional cuisine
L'Arbre Sec
Traditional cuisine
Le Boeuf d'Argent
Traditional cuisine
Le Boeuf d'Argent
29 rue du Boeuf - 69005 Lyon 5èmewww.restaurantleboeufdargent.com/
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M Restaurant
Traditional cuisine
Traditional cuisine
L'Espace PH3
Traditional cuisine
Le Cocon Restaurant
Traditional cuisine
Hermès Restaurant Boat - Les Bateaux Lyonnais
Traditional cuisine
Hermès Restaurant Boat - Les Bateaux Lyonnais
16 quai Claude Bernard (embarquement) - 69007 Lyon 7ème Read moreOpen
Traditional cuisine
Bistrot des Voraces
Traditional cuisine
Bistrot City Lyon Cité Internationale
Traditional cuisine
Bistrot City Lyon Cité Internationale
157 Grande rue Saint-Clair - 69300 Caluire-et-Cuirewww.appartcity.com/fr/appart-hotel/lyon-cite-internationale-a-caluire-et-cuire.html
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Traditional cuisine
Le Bistrot d'Abel
Traditional cuisine
Café Terroir
Traditional cuisine
Les Assembleurs Préfecture
Traditional cuisine
Café des Fédérations
Traditional cuisine
Café des Fédérations
8 rue Major Martin - 69001 Lyon 1errestaurant-cafedesfederations-lyon.fr/
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Traditional cuisine
Le Central Park
Traditional cuisine
Le Central Park
35 chemin de la Croix Pivort - 69110 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon Read moreOpen
Traditional cuisine