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The Metropole de Lyon

Lyon and the 57 communes


Discover the communes that make up the City of Lyon. Each of them has its own identity and history.

View from Caluire - © Laurence Danière - Métropole de Lyon

The Lyon metropolitan area comprises Lyon and 57 surrounding municipalities. From Villeurbanne, to Caluire-et-Cuire, Oullins and the Monts d’Or, it offers many surprises to be discovered. Lyon proper, north, south, east and west: pick which area you’d like to explore. 


The city of Lyonis a regional hub and the French capital of gastronomy. But that’s not all: it boasts a wealth of cultural attractions, events and gatherings that attract residents and visitors all year round. Lyon is also the city of the Lumière Brothers and cinema, the puppet Guignol, the Olympique Lyonnais football team, and the Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights)… From the 1st to the 9th district, Lyon is packed with things to see and do. 

La statue équestre de Louis XIV Place Bellecour © Laurent Berthier

North of the metropolitan area 

Between the northern plateau and the Saône valley, the north of the metropolitan area has some amazing nature spots to be discovered. Bordered by the river Saône, this part of the metropolitan area is ideal for walks along the banks. With green spaces, historical locations, sports areas and more, the north of Lyon offers so much to explore.   

L'Auberge de Collonges - Restaurant Paul Bocuse © Frédéric Durantet / Maison Bocuse

South of the metropolitan area 

Enjoy a slice of the south in Lyon. Heritage sites and water-based activities await you in the lônes (branches of the river) and hills of the Rhône. As for the Portes du Sud (the city’s gateway to the south), its urban and rural areas are home to all kinds of activities and events.   

Concert en plein air lorts des Fêtes Escales de Vénissieux © Ville de Vénissieux

East of the metropolitan area 

The east of Lyon offers many spots for a break in calm surroundings. Further upstream along the Rhône and in the Porte des Alpes (gateway to the Alps), you will find leisure parks, aquatic areas and pleasant outdoor spaces, ideal for days out as a family. 

Sur la ViaRhôna, au Grand Parc Miribel Jonage  © T. Prudhomme / Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

West of the metropolitan area 

With its rural village vibes and bucolic landscapes, the west of Lyon is not to be missed. In addition to a wealth of heritage and culture, this part of the metropolitan area offers magnificent views over Lyon. You will find some lovely walks and hikes along its signposted paths. 

© Ville de Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or

To find out about all the hidden spots in the surrounding area, take part in the annual daylong event ‘Aux 4 coins de la metropole’ (in the four corners of the metropolitan area).

Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or © Laurence Vera - Métropole de Lyon


Five walks in the Monts d’Or

Take a walk to (re)discover the landscapes and heritage of one of the jewels of the Lyon metropolitan area: the Monts d’Or massif.
