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Prima Donna

Live music & concerts

Last updated date : 23/07/2024

Arias and sinfonias by Vivaldi, extracted from Bajazet, Griselda, Judith Triumphans, Orlando furioso…

04 78 42 27 76 Email Site web
The daughter of a French wigmaker living in Mantua, mezzo-soprano Anna Giraud met Vivaldi in the same town. The young girl and the musician became friends, and he gave her lessons, which continued in Venice at the Ospedale della Pietà. Captivated by the girl who was to become one of the principal Prima donnas of the Serenissima, the red-haired priest composed for Anna - nicknamed "La Girò"No less than a dozen of his leading roles. "L’Anima Del prete rosso"who, as the Venetians called her, became the Prima donna of such major works as Griselda, Orlando, Alcina, Bajazet….

Blandine de Sansal, mezzo-soprano
Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, harpsichord and conducting
Reynier Guerrero, violin
Sayaka Shinoda, violin
André Costa, alto
Aude Walker-Viry, cello
Nicolas Janot, double bass
Morgan Marquié, theorbo

Practical information


10 rue Sainte Hélène - 69002 Lyon 2ème




Full price: from 32 €, Reduced price: from 10 €.


Thursday 5 December 2024 at 8 pm.

Live music & concerts

Prima Donna

Salle Sainte Hélène

10 rue Sainte Hélène - 69002 Lyon 2ème

04 78 42 27 76

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