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The cuisine of Lyon

In 1934, the gastronome Curnonsky declared Lyon the capital of gastronomy. 

Restaurants and gastronomy

Quenelle, Cervelle de Canut, Tablier de Sapeur, Coussin de Lyon, Volaille Demi-Deuil, Tarte à la Praline – so many exotic names to excite your imagination and taste buds!

Explore the authentic flavours of cuisine lyonnaise: the only difficulty is choosing a restaurant!


43 hits


The cuisine of Lyon

La Table des Canuts

The cuisine of Lyon

La Table des Canuts

4 rue des Trois Maries - 69005 Lyon 5ème

04 78 42 56 12

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Copyright Le Casse Museau

The cuisine of Lyon

Le Casse Museau

The cuisine of Lyon

Le Casse Museau

2 rue Chavanne - 69001 Lyon 1er

04 78 32 64 42

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Copyright Ernest


The cuisine of Lyon


The cuisine of Lyon


place Bellecour - 69002 Lyon 2ème

06 38 41 88 26

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