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Lyon 3

The business district


This business district around the large shopping center of the Part-Dieu and the main railway station of Lyon of the same name reserve you beautiful tastings and architectural surprises. From Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse to the banks of the Rhône, via the Oxygène Tower and the last Incity Tower, the 3rd district is ideal for city walks interspersed with shopping and gourmet breaks.


145 hits

Remarkable sites and monuments

Fresque des lumières en hommage à Paul Bocuse

Face aux Halles Paul Bocuse 103 cours Lafayette - 69003 Lyon 3ème

04 78 50 44 57

Remarkable sites and monuments

Great Men of Medicine Portrait wall painting

Remarkable sites and monuments

Great Men of Medicine Portrait wall painting

115 avenue Lacassagne - 69003 Lyon 3ème

04 78 50 44 57

Show venues

La Plateforme

Show venues

La Plateforme

Face au 4 quai Victor Augagneur - 69003 Lyon 3ème

04 37 40 13 93

Manage your event


Manage your event


255 rue Vendôme - 69003 Lyon 3ème

06 15 93 83 00

Manage your event

Lyon Glace Patinage

Manage your event

Lyon Glace Patinage

Patinoire Baraban 2 rue Baraban - 69003 Lyon 3ème

04 27 01 70 38