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Traboule 5 rue Royale - 3 Quai Lassagne

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 05/02/2018

One of the most beautiful traboules of Lyon

This very beautiful traboule is particularly notable for the attention to detail in the construction. There is a walkway overlooking a courtyard, both containing head patterns (which gave the building its name of "Maison des Têtes" or House Heads), columns, vases, etc. Above the gate to the "quai Lassagne" is a very beautiful stained glass window. Another exit goes to 2 "rue de Provence".

Practical information


5 rue Royale 3 quai André-Lassagne - 69001 Lyon 1er

Remarkable sites and monuments

Traboule 5 rue Royale - 3 Quai Lassagne

5 rue Royale 3 quai André-Lassagne - 69001 Lyon 1er

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