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Courtyards and Traboules of Croix-Rousse

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 25/07/2024

These shortcuts, in the form of internal passage, allow to communicate from a street to the other one by crossing one or several buildings and run. Besides their picturesque aspect, they conceal architectural curiosities and often miracles.

Cour du 21 rue Royale © Brice Robert

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Trabouler, from Latin "Trans ambulare" means "pass through".
In large numbers on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse hill, they were mainly used to bring back the silk traders down the hill without exposing them to the elements. They sheltered the secret comings and goings of Canuts during their great revolt in 1831 and Resistants of Lyon during the 2nd World War.

Ten beautiful or picturesque traboules not to be missed on the slopes of Croix-Rousse hill

Traboule 12 rue Fernand Rey

Welcome to our traboules !

Here are a few tips from local residents to bear in mind as you explour our famous hidden passageways known as 'traboules' where we want visitors, shopkeepers and residents to live together in perfect harmony.

  • Patience, pays: are there already people in front of you? Wait for a few moments until the traboule empties before entering, as you will appreciate it even more when it's quiet.
  • Silence is golden: there's no need to shout, as your voice will resonate easily (and there may be children taking a nap in neighbouring buldings).
  • Eyes wide open: there are many traboules and hidden courtyards between Saint-Georges and Saint-Paul neighbourhoods of Vieux-Lyon, as well as in the Croix-Rousse and Presqu'ile districts. 
  • Use the map of Lyon to discover them all and get off the beaten track.

Find out more about Lyon’s traboules and courtyards

Further information on Croix-Rousse