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Last updated date : 28/02/2025

The festival Reperkusound has become a standard-bearer of electronic, contemporary, urban and ground-breaking music.

04 78 27 93 99 Email Site web
Its aim is to reach audiences at regional, national and European level, with a popular and adventurous programme, which gives a home to creativity, musical discoveries, artistic freedom and innovation on the fringe.

Reperkusound puts a huge amount of effort into stage and lighting design, with digital visual creations and original stage architectures. It uses cutting-edge technology (including special effects and LED panels) to transport festival-goers into an outlandish, yet coherent world. To enhance the immersive experience, the festival develops its own video games linked to its visual world.

This eagerly anticipated French festival is highly praised in professional circles and the national media.

Practical information


19 avenue Gaston Berger - 69100 Villeurbanne


From Friday 18 to Sunday 20 April 2025.



Double Mixte

19 avenue Gaston Berger - 69100 Villeurbanne

04 78 27 93 99

I go by alternative transportation

Tramway T1 and T4 direction IUT Feyssine: stop Gaston Berger Metro A/B station Charpennes and tramway Metro D station Grange Blanche, then bus C26. Bus C17: Direction « Porte des Alpes », stop « CNRS », Bus C26: Direction « Grand Clément », stop « La Doua » Vélo’V: Stations available in the area.