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From painted walls to street art

Tours and workshops

Last updated date : 13/10/2023

When art redraws the city.

+33 (0)4 72 77 69 69 Email Site web
Lyon is today internationally recognised for its murals. Since 1986, the Cité Création collective has helped produce more than 100 painted walls in Lyon, giving an original look to the city. This street art, initially at odds with official establishments, has become a recognised, more conventional art form and an emblem of Lyon's artistic renewal.

Today, Lyon continues to be a vibrant breeding ground for artists who embrace the streets as an open-air gallery. Many initiatives are being created and associations are carrying out various projects to show the public the vitality and diversity of these street art creations.
Ephemeral by nature, street murals - be they entirely made of glued paper, spray-painted or painted frescoes, stencils, mosaics, vinyl, vegetable moss - show the extraordinary inventiveness of these artists who have notably designated the Croix-Rousse district as the motherland of their creation.

This visit is therefore intended to be educational and evolving. Let yourself be swept away by this city’s new appearance!

Practical information


angle du boulevard des Canuts et de la rue Denfert-Rochereau - 69004 Lyon 4ème




Reduced price: 8 €, Adult: 13 €.

Free entry for children < 8 years.

Free with the Lyon City Card.


All year round, daily except on January 1st and December 25th.
By reservation.

Tours and workshops

From painted walls to street art

Devant le "Mur des Canuts"

angle du boulevard des Canuts et de la rue Denfert-Rochereau - 69004 Lyon 4ème

+33 (0)4 72 77 69 69

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